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Employee Scheduling Software


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How to Plan for Time Off in Employee Scheduling Software

Posted by Brandy on March 16, 2011

When you are planning your shift schedules, you’ll inevitably have to plan around your staff’s vacation requests. It’s easy to do in Visual Staff Scheduler Pro (VSS Pro) employee scheduling software.


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To enter time off for an employee, simply put your mouse cursor in the day cell next to their name of the date they would like to take off work. You can also select multiple days off by using the Shift key on your keyboard or by dragging the mouse over multiple day cells. Then select the Time-Off option in the Edit menu or click on the Time-Off button in the row of quick-action buttons right below the main menu bar. The Time-Off quick-action button looks like a white rectangle with the word “OFF” written in red text.

You can also add an explanation to an employee’s time-off assignment by selecting the cell marked as off and choosing an explanation from the Explanation Selector in the quick-action tool bar. Common explanations include “vacation day” or “called in sick”.

If you’d like to see a list of days an employee has called in sick or taken time off for vacation, just run a Time-Off report. You can run the Time-Off report from the Reports menu in VSS Pro.