Human Resources Software
End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!
HR Document Maker is used by every industry!
HR Document Maker software is comprehensive
Watch Our Video to See How HR Document Maker Can Help You
HR Document Maker includes six employee handbook templates, over 130 office policy examples, 75 job description samples, and 50 HR forms and checklists, as well as a library of IRS forms and U.S. Department of Labor posters. HR Document Maker gives you a large array of options for your human resource management and HR documentation needs.
What can you do with HR Document Maker HR software?
- Create an employee handbook
- Adapt office policy samples
- Produce job descriptions
- Utilize HR forms and checklists
- Print IRS forms and OPM posters
HR Document Maker software is easy to use
All human resource documents come as easy-to-use Microsoft® Word HR templates. HR Document Maker automatically places your company contact information and logo on all HR documents. From Word, your HR documents can be edited and printed or e-mailed. HR Document Maker keeps track of all your published documents so they are easy to find.
Office Policy Templates
Office policy templates in HR Document Maker cover employment status and records, employee benefits, payroll, workplace guidelines, and e-policies.

Employee Handbook Templates
HR Document Maker contains two styles of three different office policy manual templates: a brief office policy manual, a comprehensive office policy manual and an e-policy manual.

Job Description Templates
Job description templates are grouped by accounting and finance, administration, facilities, human resources, marketing and sales, and operations.

HR Forms and Checklists
Lots of HR guides, templates, forms and checklists are included in HR Document Maker, including job applications, time sheets, and grievance form.
HR Document Maker software is efficient
There is no need to write documents from scratch. In HR Document Maker, all HR templates are pre-written to save you time. Just choose the employee handbook, office policy, job description, HR form or checklist you need, and edit it to meet your company's specifications.
System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows 98/2000/NT/Me/XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Microsoft Word 2000 or higher
- Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher
- Any printer and mouse supported by Windows 98 or higher
- CD-ROM drive (if ordering a CD)