Buy Visual Staff Scheduler Pro from $495

Employee Scheduling Software


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Save Time and Reduce Overtime using Shift Scheduling Software

Posted by Brandy on January 28, 2011

Learn how to ensure hourly coverage and to find employees who are available to work when you use our shift scheduling softwareWatch this video to discover how to use Visual Staff Scheduler’s Highlighter tool and Scheduling Assistant.


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Save Time Finding Employees Who Work a Particular Shift

Using highlighters, you can easily identify cells that match a certain criteria. For example, you can identify employees who are scheduled to work a particular shift simply by looking for a highlighted cell instead of looking for each individual row for a shift. This can save a lot of time and headaches.

Reduce Overtime by Not Scheduling Employees Too Many Hours

Visual Staff Scheduler’s Scheduling Assistant will show you a list of available employees sorted by position, name, and hire date, so you can sort them in the order important to you. You can also sort available employees by the number of hours desired or the number of actual hours scheduled. This helps you reduce overtime by mistakenly scheduling an employee to work too many hours. By default, Visual Staff Scheduler displays a list of employees who are within the current dividers only. For example, if you are scheduling nurses and have a divider for LPNs and a divider for RNs, the Scheduling Assistant will only show you a list of LPNs available to work when your mouse cursor is within the LPN divider. By default, it also omits employees from the list if they are already scheduled, so it won’t show you someone who is already scheduled that day. Not only is this a helpful tool while you are putting together your regular work schedules, but it is also useful when people call in sick and you need to find a replacement fast.