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How to Enter Staffing Requirements for Your Shift Schedules
Posted on March 9, 2011
Do you need a specific amount and type of employee scheduled for each shift? Are your staffing requirements based on external variables, such as a number of units, patients, or packages? If so, you can easily enter staffing requirements into Visual Staff Scheduler (VSS) employee scheduling software, so you’ll be able to see if you are over-scheduled or under-scheduled.
Make Shift Schedules and Communicate Work Schedules with Employee Scheduling Software
Posted on March 4, 2011
As a business owner or manager, your time is very valuable. Why spend a lot of time creating shift schedules when you could be working on other things? Especially since there are time-saving scheduling tools available to you, such as Visual Staff Scheduler! Not only will you save time with this employee scheduling software, but you’ll also save yourself from the headache of complicated spreadsheets and paper-based methods of creating work schedules.
Online Employee Scheduling Software on Display at HIMSS Conference
Posted on February 22, 2011
Representatives from Atlas Business Solutions are exhibiting ScheduleAnywhere, our online employee scheduling software, at the 2011 HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida this week.
Setting Up Shifts in Online Employee Scheduling Software
Posted on February 9, 2011
Today we’ve posted another video tutorial about the next steps in getting started with ScheduleAnywhere:
- setting up shifts and explanations, and
- scheduling employees
After you have created a schedule, entered employee information, and added employees to schedules, you can set up shifts and explanations. Before assigning shifts for each person, you must define shifts.
Get Started with Online Employee Scheduling Software
Posted on February 8, 2011
In this video, we’ll walk through the steps on how to get started with ScheduleAnywhere. This tutorial will help you become familiar with our online employee scheduling software.