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Store Employee Information Unique to Your Company in HR Software
Posted on January 21, 2013
Being able to customize HR software is one of the biggest concerns managers have when shopping for a new human resource information system (HRIS) to keep track of their employee information. Every business is different and managers want to make sure they can change fields and formats in new human resource software, so that it reflects their specific personnel management policies. Typically, there are lots of ways to customize HR software, so it’s unique to your company.
The Decisions of a Business Planner
Posted on January 8, 2013
When you first start thinking about owning or running your own business, you may expect to make a lot of decisions on a day-to-day basis. Well, there are decisions a business planner needs to make even before the business opens, too.
Keep Electronic Personnel Files Secure with Human Resources Software
Posted on December 28, 2012
There are lots of reasons why businesses want to buy human resources software. They want an easier way to keep track of personnel files; they want a faster way to retrieve and report employee information; and, they simply want a better way to organize their staff records. A couple of additional reasons that many businesses may not have considered include having a more secure way of keeping confidential human resource data, being able to back-up the HR database for disaster planning purposes, and avoiding running out of physical storage space. Staff Files can help with all of these!
How Appointment Reporting Can Be Used in Your Business
Posted on December 13, 2012
Did you know that you could include as much information on the Daily Appointment Sheet report including data entered in custom fields? Did you know you could print a calendar with an individual customer’s appointments for a specific month? Did you know you could quickly see an employee’s productivity information during a date range you choose?
Make Recurring Appointments in Appointment Manager Software
Posted on December 6, 2012
Do your appointment schedulers make recurring appointments for your customers? If so, you’ll be excited to hear that scheduling repeating appointments is even easier now in Version 7.0 of our Customer Appointment Manager software.