
Appointment Scheduling Software


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How to Schedule Time Off in Appointment Scheduling Software

Posted by Brandy on March 15, 2011

Now that we’ve sprung ahead into Daylight Savings Time, we’ll soon start to think about nice weather, spending time outside, and planning summertime vacations. This week we’ll talk about how to schedule time off for your employees.


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In Customer Appointment Manager, our appointment scheduling software, there are two ways to schedule time off: using the Work Schedule tab or using the Appointment scheduling window.

You’ll want to use the Work Schedule tab to adjust an employee’s regular schedule. For example, if they have every Friday off of work, go to the Work Schedule tab. The Work Schedule tab is found in the Employee Maintenance window. You’ll notice a table of hours, as well as start and end times to indicate when an employee works, or does not work.

You’ll want to use the Appointment scheduling window to schedule time off for a vacation, personal day, or sick time. This is just like scheduling any other type of appointment for the employee. Choose the day and time on the calendar when the employee will be out. Then launch the Appointment scheduling window by double-clicking on the calendar itself and editing the start time, end time, date fields, and enter a description. Put a check in the box for the Off field in the upper right corner of the Appointment scheduling window to indicate the employee will be off during that time.