
Appointment Scheduling Software


End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!

Improved Employee Filter in New Pro Edition of Appointment Scheduling Software

Posted by Brandy on December 27, 2010

In version 6.0 of Customer Appointment Manager Pro we’ve given you the ability to attach files or documents to a customer’s record. You can attach several different types of files, including Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, and pictures. This is a great way to stay organized and have instant access to customer documents like reports, surveys, agreements, service history, or blueprints.


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  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Employee Scheduling

To attach a file to a customer record, open the profile of the person you want to attach the file. In the new Attachments tab, you’ll be able to see and add attachments to that customer’s record. To add a new attachment, click the Add button. In the Select File window, browse to the location of the file or document you wish to attach, select the file name, and then click the Open button. To view an existing document that was previously added to the customer record, select the file name and click the Open button. To remove a document you no longer wish to have attached to a customer record, select the name of the attachment and click the Remove button. This will remove the file from the Customer Appointment Manager Pro record. To permanently delete the file, you must go to the location where the file is saved and delete it there. 

Watch the video to learn how to use the new Attachments feature in Customer Appointment Manager Pro.