Appointment Scheduling Software
Customer Appointment Manager is the fastest way to book appointments for customers, clients, and patients.
90 day money-back guarantee
Thank you for downloading the Customer Appointment Manager demo!
Click on the Download Now button to start downloading the demo edition of the software. The file size is 20.4 MB, so it could take up to five minutes to download.
It will ask if you would like to run or save this program. Click on the Save option.
When the download is complete, double click on the CAMdemo.exe file on your desktop to install the demo software.
You can expect a registration screen to appear the first time you use the demo. User registration is free. There’s no obligation to buy.
The demo edition of our appointment software is available for up to 15 uses.
Optimize the features in Customer Appointment Manager
Download the Tips & Tricks Guide (.pdf, 395 KB) to learn how to use the Customer Appointment Manager demo to its full potential.