Appointment Scheduling Software
End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!
How Appointment Reporting Can Be Used in Your Business
Did you know that you could include as much information on the Daily Appointment Sheet report including data entered in custom fields? Did you know you could print a calendar with an individual customer’s appointments for a specific month? Did you know you could quickly see an employee’s productivity information during a date range you choose?
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- Appointment Scheduling
You can run all these reports and more in our appointment scheduling software! Now in Version 7.0 you’ll also be able to show the total appointment hours for an employee or customer in a selected date range using the Appointments by Customer and Appointments by Employee reports.
Appointment reporting can be used in lots of different ways.
It can be helpful for the employee, the manager,
as well as the customer.
Appointment Reporting for Employees
Employees can benefit from the Daily Appointment Sheet or the Appointments by Date report. These reports show them who are scheduled that day, when they are scheduled, and what services they are scheduled to perform. This information can help the employee set up their work station and prepare for their day. These reports can be as detailed as needed. They can also include company name, phone numbers, email and mailing addresses, appointment status, miscellaneous notes, and data added to custom fields.
Appointment Reporting for Managers
Managers can benefit from the Employee Productivity and the Service Summary reports. The Employee Productivity report is used to see how busy employees really are and can help with performance reviews. It tallies the appointment hours and the percent of time taken up by each type of service. A manager can see how much unscheduled time an employee has on their calendar. The Services Summary report is used to see which services are most popular. It can be helpful when planning promotions and understanding seasonal trends.
Appointment Reporting for Customers
Customers who schedule recurring appointments can be given a Customer Calendar report to help them remember their upcoming meeting times. This helps to eliminate no-shows and canceled appointments. Our appointment scheduling software also includes email reminders that can help customers remember their scheduled appointment times, too.
Reporting in appointment scheduling software can be very useful for service-based businesses. Reports for employees, managers, and customers can all be found in the Report menu in Customer Appointment Manager.