Appointment Scheduling Software
End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!
More Accurate Appointment Calendars for Medical Facility
Accurate appointment calendars can help save time and keep up employee morale. Needless typing and excessive errors can cause both wasted time trying to figure out who’s coming in and when, and also a lot of unnecessary frustration for employees and patients. An efficient appointment scheduling program can save time and be easy to use; at least, that’s what the staff at an occupational medical facility recently told us.
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We profiled JoVonna White at Idaho National Laboratory in a new case study about Patient Appointment Manager. She told us how difficult it was trying to manage the appointments of multiple staff members in one calendar. “It was a nightmare,” JoVonna said. She was familiar with our appointment scheduling software from her previous workplace and thought it might work well at Idaho National Laboratory, too.
The drop-down fields for physician name, patient name and service help reduce the time it takes to schedule an appointment and reduce typing errors. “It’s a great program to work in and it was so easy to train my coworkers to use it,” explained JoVonna. “It has truly been a huge asset to our medical facility.”
Read Case Study: Scheduling System Helps Medical Facility Keep Accurate Appointment Calendars