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Employee Scheduling Software


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Reduce Scheduling Time with Employee Schedule Software

Posted by Brandy on October 29, 2013

How long does staff scheduling take you? If the process of creating employee schedules is taking too long week after week and month after month, try a solution that will help to ensure proper shift coverage, eliminate unnecessary overtime, and reduce scheduling time!


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Over the years we’ve heard from VSS Pro customers who have been so excited that it has helped them reduce the amount of time it had been taking them to create employee schedules. These are just a few of their comments:

  • “Visual Staff Scheduler Pro reduced my scheduling time from half a day to about an hour.”
  • “It cut our scheduling time by two-thirds.”
  • “We have cut hours off the time it takes to develop a schedule.”
  • “I use it to schedule over 70 people in just a fraction of the time it took me by hand.”
  • “The ability to schedule several deputies at one time has saved me a tremendous amount of time.”

So, what is it about employee schedule software that can help reduce scheduling time?

Assign Shifts Based on Shift Requirements

Before assigning a single shift, it’s important to know your scheduling needs. Enter the number of employees you’ll need for each shift. You’ll even be able to enter requirements based on position and/or department. The Coverage Totals on the bottom of the screen correspond with the requirements you’ve entered, so you’ll be able to see at-a-glance if you are over- or under-scheduled for each shift.

It’s also important to know how many hours employees wish to work and are already assigned to work. There are two easy ways to keep an eye on the hours already scheduled for each employee, which will help you avoid unnecessary overtime expenses. The Scheduling Assistant shows you how many hours employees want to work, how many hours they are already scheduled, the how close they are to meeting the goal of hours desired. If they are over 100% complete, you’ll know that they were assigned a shift too many. You can also review the Hours column to see if any employees are scheduled for more than 40 hours in the week. There’s no need to waste time manually calculating hours scheduled for each employee!

Copy Schedule Rotations

Why start over month after month? If you have repeating schedule patterns, simply copy those shift rotations into the future with time-saving features, such as the Copy Multiple wizard. It allows you to copy shifts, explanations, notes, and more into the future with just a few easy clicks of the mouse. Then all you’ll have to do is make adjustments for time-off requests.

Watch this video to learn how easy it is to rotate schedules using VSS Pro.

View Same Schedule Information in Multiple Formats

Compiling data for reports can be very time-consuming if it’s done manually. With VSS Pro, you’ll be able to view the same schedule information in multiple reports. You can email personal work calendars to each employee – all in one batch process. You can print a weekly schedule to post in the break room. And, you can print daily rosters for unit managers. All these reports (and more) can be run in minutes, instead of hours!

Why waste time with staff scheduling each week or month when you could be spending that time doing more productive tasks? Employee schedule software can help you reduce your scheduling time.