Appointment Scheduling Software
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Atlas Business Solutions Introduces Version 6.0 of Its Appointment Scheduling Software
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More customizations, reports, and improved QuickBooks synchronization added to Customer Appointment Manager 6.0.
FARGO, ND - November 10, 2010 – Customer Appointment Manager Version 6.0 was released today by Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS). Customer Appointment Manager is appointment scheduling software used by service businesses, such as salons, auto repair, pet services, clinics, music lessons, legal offices, tax offices, electricians, and plumbers. It’s used to manage multiple employees’ appointment books. Schedulers can look for open timeslots, book appointments, record information about the customer and the service that person wants, and run management reports.
“Our appointment scheduling software is very flexible and easy-to-use,” said Jon Forknell, vice president and general manager of Atlas Business Solutions. “With version 6.0, we’ve added even more flexibility! Custom statuses, custom fields, custom labels, and another user setting are all examples of how adaptable Customer Appointment Manager is to users’ unique business needs.”
What’s new in Customer Appointment Manager 6.0
Five new custom statuses have been added, so users can mark the current state of appointments, such as “left message” or “rescheduled.” Extra custom fields have been added to forms allowing users to store more appointment and customer information. Now users have the ability to create their own custom label, for example they can use the labels patients, clients, students, or volunteers instead of the term customer. An additional user setting allows limited access for appointment scheduling and editing only. The employee filter has been updated to let users search for an individual employee. Two new time intervals for 5- or 20-minute increments give users more flexibility with scheduling appointments. Improved QuickBooks synchronization updates changes in Customer Appointment Manager or QuickBooks using the Refresh button. The new Appointments by Date report lists upcoming appointments for a particular day regardless of the employee. The Monthly Calendar is a new report for customers. It shows their own recurring appointments to help them remember their next scheduled time. In the Customer Appointment Manager Pro edition, file attachments can be added to customer records.
How to get Customer Appointment Manager
Customer Appointment Manager is available online at or by contacting ABS directly at 1-800-874-8801 (1-701-235-5226). Customer Appointment Manager starts at only $295 for a single-user license and each additional license is $100. Customer Appointment Manager Pro, which includes all of the features in Customer Appointment Manager, plus additional business management tools and features, starts at $495 for a single-user license and each additional license is $100. Upgrade pricing for existing customers starts at only $149 for Customer Appointment Manager and $249 for Customer Appointment Manager Pro. Existing customers can purchase version 6.0 online or by contacting ABS.
About ABS
Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) is a leading provider of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business software. Since 1991, ABS has helped customers directly reduce costs, save time and streamline business processes by providing employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software. ABS was named one of Software Magazine's Top 500 Software Companies in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and again in 2010. ABS software titles include: Client Appointment Manager, Customer Appointment Manager®, HR Document Maker, Patient Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere®, ScheduleBase®, Staff Files®, Ultimate Business Planner®, Ultimate Financial Forecaster®, and Visual Staff Scheduler® Pro.
Customer Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere, Staff Files, Ultimate Business Planner, Ultimate Financial Forecaster, and Visual Staff Scheduler are reigstered trademarks of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.