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New Manufacturing Company Acquires Funding With Help from Business Plan Software
Posted on December 7, 2010
Ultimate Business Planner was used to write a business plan for a new manufacturing company in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The business plan was used to secure funding from a bank.
Ultimate Business Planner used by Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
Posted on November 30, 2010
Many Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) use Ultimate Business Planner, our business plan software, in their training workshops for entrepreneurs. An example is the Blue Grass SBDC in Louisville, Kentucky. They are conducting a workshop called “Developing Your Business Plan” on December 13, 2010, where they will be using Ultimate Business Planner.
Calculating the Loan for Your Start-Up Funds in Business Plan Software
Posted on November 26, 2010
Many new business start-ups need a loan or some other type of financing in order to launch their new venture. You can enter potential loan information into Ultimate Business Planner, our business plan software, to calculate your monthly debt payments. Ultimate Business Planner lets you enter multiple loan sources as well as vendor financing. You can even enter loans after start-up to expand your business venture.
Defining and Entering Income and Expenses in Ultimate Business Planner
Posted on November 24, 2010
The first step in preparing your financial statements is to list your projected income and expenses. Our business planning software Ultimate Business Planner is so flexible that it lets you define your income and expense categories, so they are specific to your company and your needs. When defining your income categories, make sure to enter information for Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), such as material, labor, or other expense involved in making your product or providing your service. You’ll also be able to enter a description of your income and expense categories.
Celebrate Small Business Owners on National Entrepreneur Day and Small Business Saturday
Posted on November 19, 2010
Today is the third annual National Entrepreneur Day, which is part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The day gives tribute to the role small businesses have on our nation and the economy by creating new jobs. It’s also used to support and cheer on new business start-ups.