Business Plan Software
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Atlas Business Solutions Proudly Supports Business Plan Competition
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FARGO, ND – May 21, 2007 – Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS), a leading developer of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business planning software, was one of the sponsors of Innovate ND. ABS provided the Ultimate Business Planner software that each Innovate ND participants received when they signed up for the competition. Ultimate Business Planner leads entrepreneurs through the process of financial forecasting and writing a business plan.
According to Bruce Gjovig, entrepreneur coach and director of the UND Center for Innovation, “Ultimate Business Planner was chosen because it gives entrepreneurs thorough business plan examples to follow when they are building business plans for their new venture and has been successfully used by thousands of startup companies. Innovate ND participants can use the business plan samples in Ultimate Business Planner to create marketing plans, operating plans, and financial projections that include cash flows, income statements, and balance sheets.” Innovate ND is an annual competition that looks for innovative business ideas from emerging entrepreneurs across the state of North Dakota. Winning participants have media opportunities, professional services, entrepreneur mentors and networking, and seed capital available to them. Jon Forknell, vice president and general manager of ABS, also participated in the North Dakota Governor’s Innovation Forum as a member of the organizing committee.
About Innovate ND
Innovate ND is organized by the Office of the Governor of North Dakota, ND Department of Commerce, UND Center for Innovation, and the NDSU Research & Technology Park to encourage and support emerging entrepreneurs that further the economic development of North Dakota. Participants present executive summaries and business plans that are judged on innovation, commercial viability, investment opportunity, entrepreneur team, and presentation quality. Winning participants are awarded seed capital, as well as supportive services to help begin their new venture.
About Ultimate Business Planner
Developed for entrepreneurs by small-business experts and small-business owners, Ultimate Business Planner simplifies the process of writing a business plan and gives expert advice, tips, and hints based on proven business practices. Its easy-to-use, step-by-step approach breaks down the process of creating a business plan into two main sections – forecasting financials and writing the plan. Ultimate Business Planner builds a comprehensive set of financial projections, complete with reports and charts, and comes complete with sample business plans and pre-written excerpts to help write the business plan quickly.
About ABS
Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) is a leading provider of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business software. Since 1991, ABS has helped customers directly reduce costs, save time and streamline business processes by providing employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software. ABS was named one of Software Magazine's Top 500 Software Companies in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and again in 2010. ABS software titles include: Client Appointment Manager, Customer Appointment Manager®, HR Document Maker, Patient Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere®, ScheduleBase®, Staff Files®, Ultimate Business Planner®, Ultimate Financial Forecaster®, and Visual Staff Scheduler® Pro.
Customer Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere, Staff Files, Ultimate Business Planner, Ultimate Financial Forecaster, and Visual Staff Scheduler are reigstered trademarks of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.