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Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. Launches Improved Website to Enhance End-user Experience
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- how to schedule
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- Human Resources
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- Employee Scheduling
FARGO, ND - April 27, 2007 - Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) has launched a new website to improve the overall end-user experience of visitors. The improved site design and content will help customers and prospects quickly find the employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software information they are seeking.
The new ABS website includes updated Flash demos that explain how each ABS software title works. Industry-specific pages have been added to many of the titles to help illustrate how each software title is suited for various types of businesses. The improved features guide displays examples of standard views and functions, as well as sample reports. Also, new technical support and resources sections have been added to each product page, which makes learning and product updates easily accessible.
“We are taking our pledge in developing easy-to-use business software a step further by implementing an easy-to-use and improved website,” says Jon Forknell, vice president and general manager of Atlas Business Solutions. “We are continuously striving to give our customers outstanding products and services.”
About ABS
Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) is a leading provider of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business software. Since 1991, ABS has helped customers directly reduce costs, save time and streamline business processes by providing employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software. ABS was named one of Software Magazine's Top 500 Software Companies in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and again in 2010. ABS software titles include: Client Appointment Manager, Customer Appointment Manager®, HR Document Maker, Patient Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere®, ScheduleBase®, Staff Files®, Ultimate Business Planner®, Ultimate Financial Forecaster®, and Visual Staff Scheduler® Pro.
Customer Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere, Staff Files, Ultimate Business Planner, Ultimate Financial Forecaster, and Visual Staff Scheduler are reigstered trademarks of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.