Employee Scheduling Software
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The Pharmacy Service & Clinical Research Department at Swedish Covenant Hospital Implemented Version 10 of Visual Staff Scheduler Pro
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FARGO, ND – March 19, 2008 – The Pharmacy Service & Clinical Research department at Swedish Covenant Hospital implemented version 10 of Visual Staff Scheduler Pro (VSS Pro) scheduling software from Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS).
Since the pharmacy department started using VSS Pro scheduling software to manage shift schedules, the Pharmacy Director has dramatically reduced the time it takes to create schedules and maintain schedule changes. “By automatically copying schedule rotations, I cut the time needed to create reoccurring schedules, and any requested or ad-hoc schedule changes can now be made instantly,” says Ramesh Patel, Sr. Pharmacy Director at Swedish Covenant Hospital. VSS Pro also improved staff utilization at Swedish Covenant Hospital. “With VSS Pro, I can view instantly the number of hours each person has been scheduled per pay period, which alerts me of any overtime situations,” says Patel. In addition, VSS Pro automatically counts the number of staff required versus scheduled. This makes it easy to maintain adequate coverage per specific shift, position, or area of responsibility. The pharmacy department at Swedish Covenant Hospital also benefited from streamlining communication of work schedules. Finalized schedules are emailed directly from VSS Pro shift scheduling software, giving Pharmacy personnel all necessary scheduling information, such as shift start and end time, area of responsibility, and names of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working during the shift. “VSS Pro gives us a way to provide our staff with accurate and easy-to-read schedules. The messy and confusing shift schedules are now a thing of the past,” adds Patel.
About VSS Pro Staff Scheduling Software
VSS Pro is a flexible and user-friendly staff scheduling software. With VSS Pro, employers can ensure shift coverage, reduce overtime, track time-off, view staff availability and contact information. Schedulers can also schedule employees based on skills, seniority, or desired workload, and print, e-mail or publish any type of schedule and report. VSS Pro starts at only $495 and comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.
About Swedish Covenant Hospital
Swedish Covenant Hospital is a comprehensive healthcare facility providing health and wellness services to the communities of Chicago's North and Northwest sides. The Pharmacy Service & Clinical Research department staff of 30, comprised of both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, supports patients needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
About ABS
Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) is a leading provider of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business software. Since 1991, ABS has helped customers directly reduce costs, save time and streamline business processes by providing employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software. ABS was named one of Software Magazine's Top 500 Software Companies in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and again in 2010. ABS software titles include: Client Appointment Manager, Customer Appointment Manager®, HR Document Maker, Patient Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere®, ScheduleBase®, Staff Files®, Ultimate Business Planner®, Ultimate Financial Forecaster®, and Visual Staff Scheduler® Pro.
Customer Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere, Staff Files, Ultimate Business Planner, Ultimate Financial Forecaster, and Visual Staff Scheduler are reigstered trademarks of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.