
Business Plan Software


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Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. Releases Ultimate Financial Forecaster 3.0



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  • upgrade
  • customer review
  • write a business plan
  • Human Resources
  • Employee Scheduling
  • Business Planning
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • how to schedule

FARGO, ND – July 13, 2007 – Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) announced today the release of Ultimate Financial Forecaster® 3.0. Ultimate Financial Forecaster helps entrepreneurs, managers, and business owners build a comprehensive set of financial projections, complete with reports and charts for balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements. This financial forecasting software includes step-by-step instructions, over 65 reports and charts, and hundreds of start-up resources. Version 3.0 of Ultimate Financial Forecaster is compatible with Windows Vista™. 

“Ultimate Financial Forecaster is an important part of our business planning line of software,” says Jon Forknell, vice president and general manager of Atlas Business Solutions. “It’s a great tool for both new and existing businesses to calculate their future financial projections, determine funding requirements, and see if an idea or strategic direction can make money.”

About Ultimate Financial Forecaster

 By answering some simple questions and entering a few numbers, Ultimate Financial Forecaster instantly creates a comprehensive set of financial reports and charts. Income statements, cash plans, balance sheets, financial ratios and more can be created in minutes. Ultimate Financial Forecaster works with QuickBooks®. The Import Wizard guides users through the steps of creating financial forecasts using QuickBooks data. Ultimate Financial Forecaster users range from sole proprietorships and start-up businesses, to established, multi-national corporations.

How to get Ultimate Financial Forecaster

Ultimate Financial Forecaster can be purchased online at or by contacting ABS at 1-800-874-8801. The price for Ultimate Financial Forecaster is $79 for a single-user license.

About ABS

Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. (ABS) is a leading provider of easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and affordable business software. Since 1991, ABS has helped customers directly reduce costs, save time and streamline business processes by providing employee scheduling software, human resource software, appointment scheduling software, and business plan software. ABS was named one of Software Magazine's Top 500 Software Companies in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and again in 2010. ABS software titles include: Client Appointment Manager, Customer Appointment Manager®, HR Document Maker, Patient Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere®, ScheduleBase®, Staff Files®, Ultimate Business Planner®, Ultimate Financial Forecaster®, and Visual Staff Scheduler® Pro.

Customer Appointment Manager, ScheduleAnywhere, Staff Files, Ultimate Business Planner, Ultimate Financial Forecaster, and Visual Staff Scheduler are reigstered trademarks of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.