
Appointment Scheduling Software


End of Service Notice (4/1/2022): It has been our pleasure to provide our customers with quality PC software for over 30 years. As of 4/1/2022, all installable PC-based products and tools will no longer be available for sale. To help you transition to other solutions, we will continue to support these products through 3/31/2023. You can continue to use our products after 3/31/2023. Thank you for your business!

Simplicity is Key to Appointment Scheduling at Medical Practice

Posted by Brandy on March 17, 2014

Leonardo da Vinci said “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” We agree. And, so does the office manager of a medical practice that we recently spoke to about how they use Patient Appointment Manager. She said they chose to use our appointment scheduling software because “it presented us with the best in simplicity and clarity of scheduling.”


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Prior to implementing scheduling software they used a manual system of hand writing appointments for the doctors in individual paper appointment books. Even though it may seem simple, it was a time consuming and frustrating process.

In addition to simply scheduling appointments, they can also effortlessly see a patient’s full appointment history in seconds, organize their out-patient appointments, and make notations on a patient’s profile. Plus, it’s so much easier to plan around holidays when the office is closed and times when the doctor is scheduled to be away from the clinic.

Read the case study to learn why their office manager says “I would recommend this appointment scheduling software because of its user-friendly structure and simplicity.”

Read Case Study: Appointment Software Simplifies Scheduling at Medical Office